As a scholar, I work primarily in the early philosophical thought of Karol Wojtyla / Pope John Paul II. Recently, this involved highlighting his consideration of Descartes' mental experiment which led to significantly different conclusions. These conclusions hold direct importance for the fields of epistemology, anthropology, and ethics, and have indirect implications for numerous other areas, such as the philosophy of culture. I deal with all of these in their progressive unfolding and interconnected relations in my book peer-reviewed book: "The Problem of the Idea of Culture in the Thought of Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II" (2020, Roman, Littlefield, Lexington)
The result of this work is a newfound ability to communicate the experience of the human person as seen, on the one hand, in the ancient and medieval philosophy of being and on the other, in the modern philosophies of consciousness as a whole unity rather than as opposed and unreconcilable.
As a student of Prof. Rocco Buttiglione and the late Judge Martin Kriele my research also includes themes in political philosophy.
I maintain on an average writing two papers a year and two conferences per year.
I have a pre-publication scholarly work on "John Paul II's Critique of Capitalism" which examines his anthropological considerations in relation to what he claims to be deficiencies in certain concepts - relating persons and economies - in both Capitalism and Marxism.
In order to remain relevant to developing technologies I remain informed on blockchain technology, AI enhanced research and programming trends and where appropriate employ these technologies in the classroom and encourage students to make use of technologies which do not compromise originality but rather support it.